60-90 seconds rest in between sets and exercises. You will use Horizontal Loading which means you perform all of the sets of one exercise before moving on to the next.
- KB Front Squats 3 x 12
- Chin Ups 3 x 8-12
- DB Suitcase Deadlift 3 x 8 (each side)
- Hand Release Push Ups 3 x 10-15
- DB Step Ups 3 x 8 (each side)
- Weighted V-Ups 3 x 20
- 2 Minute Row or Jump Rope
- Lateral Band Walk x 15 (each Side)
- Lunge with Scaption x 10 (each side)
- Inch Worm Push Ups x 10
- Band Pass Throughs x 15
- Spider Lunge to T-Spine Rotation x 10 (each side)
- Child’s Pose with Reach x 30 seconds (each side)
- Band Hamstring Stretch x 60 seconds (each side)
- Pigeon Stretch x 60 seconds (each side)
- Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds (each side)
- Foam Roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness. Make sure to “hold the roll” for 30 seconds on tight muscles.