6 Rounds. Perform each exercise in the circuit for :30 secs then move to the next exercise. As little rest as possible between exercises, 2-3 minutes rest between rounds.
- Push Ups
- Single Arm KB Squat Clean + Thruster (alternate sides each round)
- Incline (Plank) Mountain Climbers
- Chin Ups
- Deadlift Squat Jumps
- TRX Roll Out
Assault Bike Tabata – 8 Rounds, 20 seconds of riding followed by 10 seconds of rest/easy riding (4 min total)
- Walkout Complex x 5 (Bear Crawl Walkout -> Push Up -> Straight Leg Walkin -> Pike Fold/Hold -> Deep Squat/Hold)
- Lunge Complex – Front/Lateral/Back x 5 (each side)
- Plank Shoulder Taps x 30 sec
- Child’s Pose with Reach x 30 seconds (each side)
- Band Hamstring Stretch x 60 seconds (each side)
- Pigeon Stretch x 60 seconds (each side)
- Foam Roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness. Make sure to “hold the roll” for 30 seconds on tight muscles.