10 Rounds. 30 seconds of work / 60 seconds rest. Choose an exercise (row, sprint, or bike) and perform that exercise for 30 seconds followed by 60 seconds of rest. Do 10 Rounds.
- Row/Sprint/Bike x 30 secs
- Rest x 60 secs
3 Sets. Complete all exercises in the set consecutively, no rest between exercises or sets.
- Child’s Pose -> Cobra x 5
- Glute Bridge w/ Banded Hip Abduction x 15
- Banded Bird Dogs x 5 (each side)
- Pigeon Stretch x 45 sec (each side)
- Banded Dead Bugs x 10 (each side)
- Single Leg RDL Hurdler x 10 (each side)
- Cat-Camels x 45 sec
Finish the workout with a 5-10 minute Parasympathetic Breathing session.