Complete all exercises consecutively, no rest between exercises or rounds.
Eccentrics: Treat all band work as “Eccentric”. Eccentrics are a focus on the lowering or returning of the band to its original resting position. When you lower a curl down, that’s the eccentric. When you curl the weight up, that’s the concentric. Slow eccentrics increase the intensity of an exercise by recruiting more muscle fibers.
- Jump Rope x 50 rev
- Band Tricep Pushdown x 10
- Band Lat Pull Downs x 10
- Squat Slams x 5
- Standing Band Press x 10
- Band Low Row x 10
- Band RDL x 10
CORE – 6-20-10
20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest. Perform exercise 1 for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Perform exercise 2 for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for 6 sets.
- Band Resisted Leg Lowers
- Medicine Ball Push Up w/ Knee Tuck (alternating sides)
- 2 Minute Row, Bike or Jump Rope
- Walkout Complex x 5 (Bear Crawl Walkout -> Push Up -> Straight Leg Walkin -> Pike Fold/Hold -> Deep Squat/Hold)
- Lunge to Scaption x 10 (each side)
- Shoulder Taps x 15
- Body Weight Squats x 15
- Scap Pull Ups x 10
- Child’s Pose with Reach x 30 seconds (each side)
- Band Lat Stretch x 60 seconds (each side)
- Kneeling Hip Flexor x 60 seconds (each side)
- Foam Roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness. Make sure to “hold the roll” for 30 seconds on tight muscles.