Circuit A – 6 Rounds
1-2 minutes REST in between rounds
- KB or DB Front Rack Squats
Rounds 1-2 x 20 (medium weight)
Rounds 3-4 x 12 (medium plus weight)
Rounds 5-6 x 10 (heavy weight) - Wall Sit x 45 sec
Circuit B – 6 Rounds
2-3 minutes REST in between rounds
- Front Squat + Reverse Lunge Flow x 60 sec
Use a BB with light or no weight.
Flow: Front Squat -> Reverse Lunge (R) -> Front Squat -> Reverse Lunge (L) -> REPEAT - Strict Overhead BB Press x 10 (medium weight)
- 2-3 Minute Row or Bike Ride
- Band Pass Throughs x 15
- Lateral Band Walk x 15 (each Side)
- Lunge with Scaption x 10 (each side)
- Inch Worm Push Ups x 10
- Spider Lunge to T-Spine Rotation x 10 (each side)
- Child’s Pose with Reach x 30 seconds (each side)
- Band Hamstring Stretch x 60 seconds (each side)
- Pigeon Stretch x 60 seconds (each side)
- Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds (each side)
- Foam Roll any muscles you feel excessive soreness or tightness. Make sure to “hold the roll” for 30 seconds on tight muscles.