- Tryouts will run Monday, November 1 – Thursday, November 4 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
- Location: EHS practice fields
- All girls must have cleats, shin guards and their own water bottle.
- Please make sure that your daughters DO NOT wear any Club affiliated clothing. Backpacks with Club logos are fine.
- In order to attend the tryout your daughter must have a completed registration in Register My Athlete (everything but payment).
https://goeastmark.com/register-my-athlete/ - We expect to have both a JV and Varsity team. For those girls who make a team there will be a parent meeting on Wednesday, November 10 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. We will cover a lot of information, we strongly suggest you and your daughter attend.
If you have any questions about tryouts please email Coach Best.